Reasons why chocolate is healthy

We love chocolate. And that is very good for that, if consumed in moderation, and if you choose chocolate with a high cocoa Concentrate without additions like creams and other stuffs, there are at least six reasons why chocolate is healthy.
Chocolate reduces PMS symptoms. Because it has the ability to produce endofile chocolate reduces anxiety and therefore combat one of the unpleasant effects of premenstrual syndrome, writes yahoo shine.
Chocolate reduces bad cholesterol. In addition, it has the ability to regulate blood pressure. Together the two effects are beneficial heart and blood vessels.
Chocolate comes in preventing pregnancy complications. A chemical compound containing chocolate or theobromine, has the capacity to tackle one of the most severe complications of pregnancy or preeclampsia. A study of 2,300 pregnant women found that the risk of pre
eclampsia Whereupon decreases by 69%. Doctors recommend two squares of dark chocolate women in the third trimester of pregnancy as a good measure to prevent preeclampsia.
Keep your heart healthy. A recent study has shown that people who regularly consume chocolate at least 70% cocoa, at least 20 grams per day shows a significant improvement in blood flow. The positive effect of chocolate is linked to the content of polyphenols that release nitric oxide, a substance that has the ability to dilate arteries, improving blood flow and reducing platelet aggregation, which produces blood clots.
Chocolate improves skin appearance. Some of the compounds in chocolate acts as a natural filter against ultraviolet rays. Two patretele of dark chocolate a day reduces the risk of skin cancer by 50%.
It turns out that chocolate has the ability to reduce pain. A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that the response to pain is slower in those who consume chocolate. Furthermore, dark chocolate has the ability to relieve pain in moderately.


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