10 Benefits of Sunlight To Health

1. Sunlight can kill microbes. That is why we need to dry the carpet or mattress that is hard to be washed.

2. Exposure to sunlight makes the skin look brighter and improve elasticity.

3. Sunlight is proven to strengthen the immune. Sunlight improves mood and mood. Sunlight also helps in cases of chronic and acute depression by stimulating the synthesis of endorphins. That is why we feel afraid in the

4. Sunlight reduces insomnia, exposure to sunlight increases the production of the hormone melatonin at night, this hormone helps us

5. The skin synthesizes vitamin D with the help of sunlight, vitamin D helps calcium absorption in the intestine that make strong bones. Sunlight prevents rickets and osteoporosis in the elderly. With vitamin D and some other compounds that can inhibit the development of cancer cells, exposure to sunlight on a regular and controlled who could fight colon cancer, breast, lukemia.

6. Exposure to the sun strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, pulse, arterial pressure and normalize cholesterol

7. Sunlight enhances liver function, which is effective in treating

8. Helps the kidneys, when the sun is hot body excrete water through

9. The sun also helps you lose weight by increasing metabolic rate through the stimulation of the

10. Sunlight also helps relieve arthritis in cases of arthritis.


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