Most fattening fast food meals

1. Sausages and small
Yes, they have a flavor that makes you go crazy for lust, but not the healthiest food option, especially when you are in the process of weight loss. Sausages and contain little fat, and if you buy from the supermarket, chances are also contain all sorts of colors and flavors. Plus that, both sausages and small, go well with white bread and mustard, which brings many unwanted calories.

2. Fries
Everyone loves french fries, though are considered some of the most unhealthy food. French fries, not only are calorie rich but contain more fat and processed. If you still love potatoes, try to eat boiled or baked potatoes are a healthier alternative with fewer calories.

3. Pizza
Even if it's thin crust pizza, you do not bring any benefit when you're dieting. Pizza contains flour plus all kinds of fat. At 100 grams of pizza we have around 250 calories, but it never happens to consume only 100 grams. If you're out with your friends and seems crazy to refuse a slice of pizza, limit yourself to only one slice.

4. Pastries
Whether merdenele, bagels, pies or tarts, these products should not be included in weight loss regime. Pastries are made from white flour, fats, additives and margarine, which turns them into real calorie bombs. They do not contain nutrients and do no good body, only a false sense of fullness.

5. Cookies in the cafeteria
Cakes in the cafeteria are real calorie bombs. They contain sugar, margarine, flavoring, flour, cream and all sorts of other ingredients that will discontinue the diet and will make you want to eat more. No cookies in the house with many creams, sugar, white flour should not be consumed during diets as fat as much. Their only quality that do not contain chemicals like those in the cafeteria.

6. Pound Cake and cake
Cake contains about 500 calories per 100 grams, while the cake contains about 400 calories per 100 grams. Try to avoid these foods in diets over time.

7. Chips, nachos and popcorn with butter flavor
Have you ever wondered how many calories you have 100 grams of potato chips, nachos or popcorn with butter flavor? The answer: more than 500 calories, plus many processed fats that will affect your overall health over time.

8. Butter and margarine
Eaten in small quantities, butter is ok, but if consumed too often and with much white bread, it becomes a problem. Margarine should not be consumed during any weight loss diet or outside it, as it contains processed fats, harmful organism.

9. Mayonnaise
Whether it's homemade, whether it's commercially made ​​mayonnaise contains many calories, around 500-100 grams. The light of trade has around 330 calories per 100 grams, but must be completely avoided in the diet.

10. Pasta
All pasta fattening if eaten in moderation. What is moderation? You should not eat pasta or bread daily and try to choose whole pasta.

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11. Bread
Yes, fat bread, especially white and in combination with fried meat or sausage. Try to eat 2-3 slices of bread per day or completely replace bread with brown rice.

12. Juices unnatural
Whether you are energizing, fresh juices, bottled teas, all are full of calories and chemicals. During weight loss diet is recommended to drink plenty of water with lemon, slightly sweetened lemonade or fruit juices that contain less sugar.

13. Ice Creamy
If all you get cravings for ice cream, buy one cheap, possibly a wafer, contains about 140 calories and you satisfy your sweet tooth. Creamy ice creams contain around 400 calories.

14. Candy and chocolate milk and flavors
Yes, chocolate is very good, but if it's with milk and flavorings, it is clear that very high calorie. Try to replace it with dark chocolate, make sure the label sugar has not passed the first ingredient. Regarding sweets, they should be completely excluded from the diet.

15. fast food products
No longer a novelty for anyone like hamburgers and generally eating fast food is very unhealthy. Fast-food dishes contain a lot of sweeteners, preservatives and all sorts of chemicals that you do not want to know.

16. Cheese, Emmentaler cheese schweizer
If all you are to diet, try to eat less fatty cheeses. Cheese, Swiss cheese and Emmental cheese had 300 calories per 100 grams.


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