How to get rid of smoking

1. Put a specific date: The easiest way to determine the specific days for smoking cessation and better to be within two to three weeks.
2. Engage yourself: It is better to arrange a variety of tasks to distract yourself from thinking about smoking are also advised to get rid of all cigarettes in your possession.
3. Drink plenty of water: Put always besides cups of water and juice and eat the largest amount of them and tried to diversify the taste of juice.
4. Pamper yourself: Take advantage of the money that you paid to buy cigarettes and buy yourself a gift equivalent to quit smoking.
5. More than movement: Exercise and move a lot of physical, activity leads to improved mood and distract you from thinking about the lack of cigarettes.
6. Health Nutrition: Always interested in balanced nutrition and eating fruits and vegetables and resisted the desire to eat sweets and Amsted her sugar-free gum.
7. Avoid smoking atmosphere: Stay away as possible from places where I
used to sit where smoking is not so much with pep.


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