Health benefits of Ampalaya or Bitter Gourd

Ampalaya or bitter gourd is popular vegetable in some Asian Countries , where the health benefits of the plant are well-known , particularly , its ability to lower blood glucose in diabetics. Bitter gourd has been used to Diabetes in traditional medicine as in now commercially available as Tea from fruits or leaves , juice extracts, and pills. Although these products promise health benefit, most of the manufacturer do not offer scientifically proven data on the effectiveness of bitter gourd or their products.
1.Disinfects --- Ampalaya is used as disinfectant for Cuts and Scrapes . It works to disinfect and heal wounds and minor burns.
2 Relieves cold symptoms --- Ampalaya can be used to treat common Symptoms of colds, such as coughing and fever .
3.Regulates blood sugar levels --- ampalaya works to balanced blood sugar levels in the body . It works to lower the levels in diabetes patient . It helps also to prevent other illness that arise from too much sugar in the blood.
4.Relieves Headaches ---Ampalaya can work to relieve the stress and tension that causes headaches. The muscles around the brain are able to relax , releasing the pressure that is catalyst for the common headache .


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