5 unexpected effects of drinking coffee

1. reduce pain
A recent study done at the University of Illinois showed that drinking two to three cups of coffee in about one hour before conducting mobility exercises will help reduce muscle pain. Scientists believe that the amount of caffeine in coffee contributes to enhance the power and flexibility to the body.
2. strengthening the process of blood circulation
A study done in Japan about the effect of coffee for the process of blood circulation of people who do not regularly drink coffee. Accordingly, each taking about 30 ml of coffee. Then, the researchers determined the process of circulation of the blood to the fingers.
The results showed that those who drank regular coffee increased about 30% of the amount of blood flow over a period of more than 75 minutes compared to groups who do not drink coffee. The better blood circulation and the amount of oxygen delivered to the muscles even more.
3. enhance your memory
John Hopkins University conducted a study and discovered the substance caffeine in coffee can enhance memory in at least 24 hours after people drinking coffee.
4. Add more fuel to the engine
Another study published in the journal of Applied Physiology showed that small amounts of caffeine, is useful for people who have to work the body with intense, especially athletes. The addition of caffeine increase in muscle glycogen content of 66%. Glycogen serves as the essential source of energy for the exercise power, help you train more in the long run.
5. motor protection
Research on animals is the scientist in Conventry University carried out showed that the caffeine in coffee that supports offset a decrease in muscle strength with age. With a moderate amount of coffee can also protect our health, reducing the risk of age-related damage.


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