8 reasons that bring headache

1. Food
Food is one of the main causes that can easily be identified and subsequently avoided. It may seem strange but many people may be some products that bring even headache. Thus, citrus, chocolate, canned foods, fermented cheeses, wine (especially red it) or spicy products.
2. The fasting
Most cases of headaches caused starvation there. Many times you can be immersed in work and forget to eat one or two meals, it, at the end of the day can bring you headaches, tiredness and fatigue. Hunger is one of the factors that brings even stronger pain of the head and is associated with hipoglikeminë, that comes from lack of food.
3. Thirst
Headache from dehydration or thirst is a simple mechanism and can occur when dealing with more sports and drink only when thirsty. Having sweaty hard and not drinking the necessary amount of water body causing dehydration and headaches.
4. Alcoholic beverages
Some drinks can cause headaches, and summer is one of the most dangerous. No matter where it comes from jams to some people it may appear even when small amounts are consumed beverage.
5. Coffee
May seem surprising but it is not so. Headaches can be caused by the consumption of coffee. Can you shoot that weekend wake up late and drink coffee inertia even later. Consuming late hour coffee in trouble for some people. While the best advice in this case is that in this case the cup of coffee to take a lemon drop.
6. Environment and physical concerns
Changes in schedules, waking early in the morning or very late, menopause, menstruation, insomnia, lack of sufficient sunlight, television, large screen cinema, all these can bring headaches.
But the light and strength of discotheque noise, fatigue, and sleep schedule change affecting its growth.
7. Stress
A typical pains to stress from the data is that of the start of the week, usually observed on Monday. Young people are usually those who suffer this type more 'special' to headache, which is more related to school and student life. But while the headaches caused by work stress, congestion, daily life, family problems, etc.
8. Vacations
Even holidays have their part in the problem. During the summer vacation of stay for long time in the sun, or in the winter in a cool mountain climate represent one of the main causes of head pain. While even travel for many hours on the plane, car or boat has its consequences.


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