Vitamin D Can Lower Blood Pressure

Low levels of vitamin D can lead to high blood pressure, according to a study that shows that eating foods rich in vitamin D can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lack of Vitamin D Trigger High Blood Pressure
Although previous research links between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension, new research to be presented this week at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics is the first in showing the existence of a causal connection.
Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem and has long been known to cause bone diseases such as rickets. In addition, vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with a variety of other conditions in recent years. Some previous studies even mentions that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, immune system problems, and some cancers.
Vitamin D is also often described as the sun vitamin. This vitamin is beneficial to maintain healthy teeth and bones, strengthen the immune system and maximize the absorption of calcium. Unlike the people who live in Indonesia, the west does have a tendency to lack of vitamin D. This is because they live in countries that have a variety of seasons, especially winter appeared reluctant to make the sun shine.
According to Dr. Virmal Karani, head of research, this study suggests that some cases of heart disease can be prevented by eating foods or supplements containing vitamin D. Food sources of vitamin D that contain quite a lot. You can eat salmon, cereal, eggs, powdered milk, and liver.


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